"...wonderfully produced and performed,"
"...the best Halloween ever!"
Little Rock's longest-running annual production of 'The Rocky Horror Show' returns to Sway this Halloween season for TEN performances!
Now in its 4th year, #RockyAtSway wows newcomers experiencing the cult classic, science fiction, glam rock comedy inside a gay bar for the first time.
This season, see Rocky Horror like you've never seen it before, as Brittany Sparkles makes her directorial debut with an all-new cast of talented locals. Sparkles was recognized as the 2018 Runner-Up Best Actress by the Arkansas Times in its annual Best of Arkansas issue. (The winner? Mary Steenburgen!)
Sold out since its opening season in 2015, #RockyAtSway's audiences all agree: The Rocky Horror Show at Sway is the best treat in Little Rock every Halloween season!
#RockyAtSway #ClubSway